These six-packs can be found in stacks of two from Floor Loot, Chests, Supply Drops, Vending Machines, and Llamas and players can stack up to six per inventory slot. When thrown, they will give any player, be they friend or foe, with a 20-health boost within a small radius of where they land. If a player is already at full health, then they will receive a shield instead.
Other Weapon and Item Updates

- The Boom Bow, Dual Pistols and Dynamite have been vaulted.
- Nerfs:
- Proximity Grenade Launcher projectiles can no longer be ridden by players.
- The Combat Shotguns medium-range effectives has been reduced by 10% within the 2.44 to 4.88 tile range, and the damage by long distance has been reduced by 20%. This applies within the 4.88 to 9.76 tile range.
- Buffs:
- Players can now switch between the same shotgun types without experiencing cooldown delays between building and shooting unless. However, this cooldown still applies if they are carrying different types of pistols.